City West Station
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Key station features
Employment area
Green corridors, recreation and environment
Important trail connections
New transit business parks
Park and ride location
Significant public art opportunity
Transit and trail feeders
Read about station features
Station overview
City West Station has you covered. The station is located at the site of Optum's new corporate campus, as well as office development including Milestone AV Technologies, Travel Leaders Group and LSS Data Systems.
The surrounding area includes multi-family housing, retail and restaurants within walking distance, as well as numerous wetland and natural areas.
Future development will include improvements to streets, trails and sidewalks that will provide convenient and walkable access to the station for commuters and nearby residential and commercial developments. Retail and restaurant opportunities will likely be enhanced to serve the workforce.
Investment framework for the station
The maps and plans below are included in the City West Transitional Station Area Action Plan (TSAAP), which can be found in the Southwest Corridor investment framework. Read the full investment framework.