Penn Station

Penn Station

Key station features

  • Green corridors, recreation and environment
  • Important trail connections
  • Neighborhoods
  • Significant historic property
  • Significant public art opportunity
  • Urban villages

Read about station features

Station overview

Penn Station is in a scenic valley by the city. The station is located within easy access to the Bryn Mawr neighborhood and the Chain of Lakes. The surrounding area includes Cedar Lake Park, employers along Wayzata Boulevard, and retail services clustered around the intersection of Penn Avenue and Cedar Lake Road.

Future access to the station will be via a bridge from the northern bluff, where mid- to high-density development is expected. Strong bicycle and pedestrian connections will encourage station use from the Bryn Mawr neighborhood on both sides of Interstate 394.

Investment framework for the station

The maps and plans below are included in the Penn Transitional Station Area Action Plan (TSAAP), which can be found in the Southwest Corridor investment framework. Read the full investment framework.

Existing conditions - TSAAP

  • Station location
    Station location (page 4-3)
  • Land use
    Land use (page 4-4)
  • Existing roadway
    Roadway network (page 4-5)
  • Transit
    Transit (page 4-5)
  • Sidewalks trails bikeways
    Sidewalks, trails and bikeways (page 4-6)
  • Sanitary sewer
    Sanitary sewer (page 4-6)
  • Water main
    Water main (page 4-7)
  • Stormwater
    Stormwater (page 4-7)

Future plans - opening day (2019) and long term

  • Access circulation
    Access and circulation plan (page 4-10)
  • Station area improvements
    Station area improvements (page 4-11)
  • Opening day station area improvements
    Opening day station area improvements (page 4-12)
  • Potential development sites
    Potential development sites (page 4-16)